Each full license allows you to install our Ipseus software on one computer and use it indefinitely.
The more you buy, the more you save
Our students only license lets you install and use a fully functioning version of Ipseus on a single computer for twelve months. Student identification is required.
An annual fee that entitles you to receive major Ipseus software upgrades released within the year of coverage at no additional cost, as well as unlimited email and telephone support for virtually any software issue. Software maintenance cannot be purchased for Student versions.
This pricing option facilitates the Ipseus software by allowing the individual to publish their identity instrument onto an online dedicated web server. Instruments can be made available and the participants can complete the instrument from any PC with Internet access.
NB ipseus Online Access is for 12 months. Online access can be renewed each year at a cost of £175
Identity Exploration can facilitate with the interpretation of the results produced with the Ipseus computer software.
The following charges are applicable, £40 per hour for Students, £80 per hour for all non-profit individuals/organisations.
Allen Erskine
Email: allen@identityexploration.com
Tel: +44 (0) 28 9062 6558